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کتاب Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV.pdf

دانلود کتاب Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV.pdf


Sharpen your skills and increase your productivity when programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

David Studebaker        Christopher Studebaker

Packt Publishing


لینک دانلود کتاب Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV.pdf

لینک دانلود کتاب Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV.epub



Table of Contents


Chapter 1: An Introduction to NAV 2015 1


NAV 2015 – an ERP system 2


Financial Management 4


Manufacturing 4


Supply Chain Management 5


Business Intelligence and reporting 6


Relationship Management 7


Human Resource management 8


Project Management 8


Significant changes in NAV 2015 8


Application changes 9


Client enhancements 9


Development tools 9


Other areas 10


A developer's overview of NAV 2015 10


NAV object types 11


The C/SIDE integrated development environment 11


Object Designer tool icons 12


The C/AL programming language 13


NAV object and system elements 14


NAV functional terminology 18


User interface 19


Hands-on development in NAV 2015 21


The NAV 2015 development exercise scenario 21


Getting started with application design 22


Application tables 22


Designing a simple table 23


Creating a simple table 24


Pages 27


Standard elements of pages 27


List pages 28


Card pages 28


Document pages 29


Journal/Worksheet pages 31


Creating a List page 31


Creating a Card page 35


Creating some sample data 40


Creating a List Report 41


Other NAV object types 49


Codeunits 49


Queries 50


MenuSuites 50


XMLports 50


Development backups and documentation 51


Summary 52


Review questions 52



Chapter 2: Tables 57


An overview of tables 58


Components of a table 59


Naming a table 60


Table numbering 61


Table properties 61


Table triggers 64


Keys 67


SumIndexFields 70


Field Groups 71


Enhancing our sample application 75


Creating and modifying tables 75


Assigning a Table Relation property 80


Assigning an InitValue property 83


Adding a few activity-tracking tables 84


New tables for our WDTU project 85


New list pages for our WDTU project 88


Keys, SumIndexFields, and table relations in our examples 88


Secondary keys and SumIndexFields 88


Table relations 90


Modifying a standard table 92


Version list documentation 93


Types of tables 95


Fully Modifiable tables 95


Master 96


Journal 97


Template 98


Ledger 99


Reference tables 101


Register 103


Posted Document 104


Setup 106


Temporary 107


Content modifiable tables 108


System 108


Read-only tables 109


Virtual 110


Summary 111


Review questions 112



Chapter 3: Data Types and Fields 115


Basic definitions 116


Fields 116


Field properties 117


Field triggers 124


Data structure examples 125


Field numbering 125


Field and Variable naming 126


Data types 127


Fundamental data types 127


Numeric data 128


String data 129


Date/Time data 130


Complex data types 131


Data structure 132


Objects 132


Automation 132


Input/Output 133


DateFormula 133


References and other data types 140


Data type usage 141


FieldClass property options 142


FieldClass – Normal 143


FieldClass – FlowField 143


FieldClass – FlowFilter 146


FlowFields and a FlowFilter for our application 149


Filtering 154


Experimenting with filters 155


Accessing filter controls 162


Development Environment filter access 162


Role Tailored Client filter access 163


Summary 165


Review questions 165



Chapter 4: Pages – The Interactive Interface 169


Page design and structure overview 170


Page design guidelines 171


The NAV 2015 page structure 172


Types of pages 175


Role Center page 175


List page 177


Card page 178


Document page 178


FastTab 179


ListPlus page 180


Worksheet (Journal) page 181


ConfirmationDialog page 181


StandardDialog page 182


NavigatePage 182


Navigate page 344 183


Special pages 183


Request page 184


Departments page 184


Page parts 185


FactBox Area 186


Charts 187


Chart part 187


Page names 188


Page Designer 189


New Page Wizard 190


Page components 194


Page Triggers 195


Page properties 196


Page Preview tool 199


Inheritance 201


WDTU Page Enhancement – part 1 202


Page controls 206


Control types 209


Container controls 209


Group controls 209


Field controls 213


Page Part controls 216


Page control triggers 218


Bound and Unbound Pages 219


WDTU Page Enhancement – part 2 219


Page Actions 222


Page Action Types and Subtypes 224


Action Groups 225


Action properties 225


Navigation Pane Button actions 228


Actions Summary 229


Learning more 230


UX (User Experience) Guidelines 230


Creative plagiarism and patterns 230


Experimenting on our own 231


Experimentation 231


Summary 234


Review questions 234



Chapter 5: Queries and Reports 237


Queries 238


Building a simple Query object 239


Query and Query component properties 244


Query properties 244


The DataItem properties 245


Column properties 246


Reports 247


What is a report? 248


Four NAV report designers 249


NAV report types 252


Report types summarized 256


Report naming 256


Report components – overview 257


Report structure 257


Report data overview 258


Report Layout overview 259


Report data flow 260


Report components – detail 263


C/SIDE Report properties 263


SQL Server Report Builder – Report properties 265


Report triggers 267


Request Page Properties 268


Request page triggers 268


DataItem properties 269


DataItem triggers 271


Creating a Report in NAV 2015 272


Learn by experimentation 272


Report building – phase 1 273


Report building – phase 2 276


Report building – phase 3 280


Modifying an existing report with Report Designer or Word 285


Runtime rendering 290


Inheritance 290


Interactive report capabilities 290


Interactive sorting 291


Interactive visible/not visible 292


Request page 293


Add a Request Page option 294


Processing-Only reports 297


Creative report plagiarism and patterns 297


Summary 298


Review questions 298



Chapter 6: Introduction to C/SIDE and C/AL 301


Understanding C/SIDE 302


Object Designer 302


Starting a new object 304


Query Designer 306


XMLport Designer 307


MenuSuite Designer 308


Object Designer Navigation 311


Importing objects 314


Text objects 318


Some useful practices 318


Some C/AL naming conventions 320


Variables 322


C/SIDE programming 327


Non-modifiable functions 328


Modifiable functions 328


Custom functions 330


C/AL syntax 337


Assignment and punctuation 337


Expressions 338


Operators 339


Frequently used C/AL functions 344


The MESSAGE function 344


The ERROR function 345


The CONFIRM function 347


The STRMENU function 348


Record functions 349


FIND functions 352


Conditional statements 356


The BEGIN–END compound statement 356


The IF–THEN–ELSE statement 356


Indenting code 357


Some simple coding modifications 358


Adding field validation to a table 358


Adding code to a report 363


Lay out the new Report Heading 364


Save and test 365


Lookup Related table data 365


Layout the new report body 366


Save and test 368


Handling User-entered report options 368


Defining the Request Page 370


Finishing the processing code 371


Test the completed report 372


Output to Excel 372


Summary 373


Review questions 374



Chapter 7: Intermediate C/AL 377


C/AL Symbol Menu 378


Internal documentation 380


Validation functions 384






INIT 386




Date and Time functions 387




WORKDATE function 388


DATE2DMY function 389


DATE2DWY function 390


DMY2DATE and DWY2DATE functions 390


CALCDATE function 391


Data conversion and formatting functions 392




FORMAT function 393


EVALUATE function 394


FlowField and SumIndexField functions 395


CALCFIELDS function 396




CALCSUMS function 398


CALCFIELDS and CALCSUMS comparison 398


Flow control 399








CASE-ELSE statement 401


WITH-DO statement 403


QUIT, BREAK, EXIT, and SKIP functions 404


QUIT function 404


BREAK function 404


EXIT function 405


SKIP function 405


Input and Output functions 405


NEXT function with FIND or FINDSET 406


INSERT function 406


MODIFY function 407


Rec and xRec 408


DELETE function 408


MODIFYALL function 408


DELETEALL function 409


Filtering 409


SETFILTER function 410




GETFILTER and GETFILTERS functions 411


FILTERGROUP function 412


MARK function 413


CLEARMARKS function 413


MARKEDONLY function 413


RESET function 414


InterObject communication 414


Communication via data 414


Communication through function parameters 414


Communication via object calls 415


Enhancing the WDTU application 416


Modifying Table Fields 417


Add Validation logic 420


Creating the Playlist Subform page 423


Creating a function for our Factbox 431


Creating a Factbox page 435


Summary 439


Review questions 440



Chapter 8: Advanced NAV Development Tools 443


NAV process flow 444


Initial setup and data preparation 446


Transaction entry 446


Testing and posting the Journal batch 447


Utilizing and maintaining the data 447


Data maintenance 448


Role Center pages 448


The Role Center structure 449


The Role Center activities page 453


Cue Groups and Cues 454


Cue source table 455


Cue Group Actions 458


System Part 459


Page Parts 460


Page Parts not visible 460


Page Part Charts 461


Page Parts for user data 463


The Navigation Pane and Action menus 463


Action Designer 465


Create a WDTU Role Center Ribbon 468


The Navigation Pane 476


XMLports 479


XMLport components 480


XMLport properties 481


XMLport triggers 485


XMLport data lines 485


XMLport line properties 486


The Element or Attribute 490


XMLport line triggers 491


XMLport Request Page 493


Web services 493


Exposing a web service 495


Publishing a web service 496


Enabling web services 497


Determining what was published 497


XMLport – a web services integration example for WDTU 500


Summary 507


Review questions 507



Chapter 9: Successful Conclusions 511


Creating new C/AL routines 512


Callable functions 513


Codeunit 358 – Date FilterCalc 513


Codeunit 359 – Period Form Management 515


Codeunit 365 – Format Address 516


Codeunit 396 – NoSeriesManagement 518


Function models to review and use 519


Management codeunits 520


Multi-language system 521


Multi-currency system 522


 Navigate 523


Debugging in NAV 2015 526


Text Exports of Objects 527


Dialog function debugging techniques 529


Debugging with MESSAGE and CONFIRM 529


Debugging with DIALOG 530


Debugging with text output 530


Debugging with ERROR 531


The NAV 2015 Debugger 531


Activating the Debugger 533


Attaching the Debugger to a Session 534


Creating Break Events 535


The Debugger window 537


Changing code while debugging 539


C/SIDE Test-driven development 539


Other Interfaces 542


Automation Controller 543


Linked Data Sources 544


NAV Application Server (NAS) 544


Client Add-ins 544


Client Add-in construction 545


WDTU Client Add-in 546


Client Add-in comments 561


Customizing Help 562


NAV development projects – general guidance 563


Knowledge is the key 563


Data-focused design 563


Defining the needed data views 564


Designing the data tables 564


Designing the user data access interface 565


Designing the data validation 565


Data design review and revision 565


Designing the posting processes 566


Designing the supporting processes 566


Double-check everything 566


Design for efficiency 567


Disk I/O 567


Locking 568


Updating and upgrading 569


Design for updating 569


Customization project recommendations 570


Testing 571


Deliverables 575


Finishing the project 576


Plan for upgrading 576


Benefits of upgrading 577


Coding considerations 577


Good documentation 578


Low-impact coding 578


Supporting material 579


Summary 580


Review questions 580


Appendix: Review Answers 583


Index 593



Welcome to the worldwide community of Microsoft Dynamics NAV developers. This is a collegial environment populated by C/AL developers who readily and generously share their knowledge. There are formal and informal organizations of NAV-focused users, developers, and vendor firms scattered around the globe and active on the Web. Our community continues to grow and prosper, now including over 110,000 user companies worldwide.
The information in this book will help you to shorten your learning curve of how to program for the NAV 2015 ERP system using the C/AL language, the C/SIDE integrated development environment and their capabilities. We hope you enjoy working with NAV as much as we have.


A brief history of NAV
Each new version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV is the result of inspiration and hard work along with some good fortune and expert technical investment over the last thirty years.


Single user PC Plus
PC Plus was released in 1985 with the primary goal of ease of use. An early employee said its functional design was inspired by the combination of a manual ledger journal, an Epson FX 80 printer, and a Canon calculator. Incidentally, Peter Bang is the grandson of one of the founders of Bang & Olufsen, the manufacturer of home entertainment systems par excellence.
PC Plus was a PC DOS-based single user system. PC Plus' design features included these:
• An interface resembling the use of documents and calculators
• Online help
• Good exception handling
• Minimal computer resources required
The PC Plus product was marketed through dealers in Denmark and Norway.


The multi-user Navigator
In 1987, PC & C released a new product, the multi-user Navigator and a new corporate name, Navision. Navigator was quite a technological leap forward.
It included the following:
• Client/Server technology
• A relational database
• Transaction-based processing
• Version management
• High-speed OLAP capabilities (SIFT technology)
• A screen painter tool
• A programmable report writer
In 1990, Navision was expanding its marketing and dealer recruitment efforts in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Also in 1990, V3 of Navigator was released.
Navigator V3 was still a character-based system, albeit a very sophisticated one. If you get an opportunity to study Navigator V3.x, you would instantly recognize the roots of today's NAV product. By V3, the product included these features:
• A design based on object-oriented concepts
• Integrated 4GL Table, Form, and Report Design tools (the IDE)
• Structured exception handling
• Built-in resource management
• The original programming language that became C/AL
• Function libraries
• The concept of regional or country-based localization
When Navigator V3.5 was released, it also included support for multiple platforms and databases. Navigator V3.5 would run on both Unix and Windows NT networks.
It supported the Oracle and Informix databases, as well as the one developed in-house.
Around this time, several major strategic efforts were initiated. On the technical side, the decision was made to develop a GUI-based product. The first prototype of Navision Financials (for Windows) was shown in 1992. At about the same time, a relationship was established that would take Navision into distribution in the United States. The initial release in the US in 1995 was V3.5 of the character-based product, rechristened as Avista for the US distribution.


Navision Financials for Windows
In 1995, Navision Financials V1.0 for Microsoft Windows was released. This product had many (but not all) of the features of Navigator V3.5. It was designed for complete look-and-feel compatibility with Windows 95. There was an effort to provide the ease of use and flexibility of development of Microsoft Access. The new Navision Financials was very compatible with Microsoft Office and was thus sold as "being familiar to any Office user". Like any V1.0 product, it was quickly followed by a much improved V1.1.
In the next few years, Navision continued to be improved and enhanced. Major new functionalities were added, such as:
• Contact Relation Management (CRM)
• Manufacturing (ERP)
• Advanced Distribution (including Warehouse Management)
Various Microsoft certifications were obtained, providing muscle to the marketing efforts. Geographic and dealer base expansion continued apace. By 2000, according to the Navision Annual Report of that year, the product was represented by nearly 1,000 dealers (Navision Solution Centers) in 24 countries and used by 41,000 customers located in 108 countries.


Growth and mergers
In 2000, Navision Software A/S and its primary Danish competitor, Damgaard A/S, merged. Product development and new releases continued for the primary products of both original firms (Navision and Axapta). In 2002, the now much larger Navision Software, with all its products (Navision, Axapta, and the smaller, older C5, and XAL) was purchased by Microsoft, becoming part of the Microsoft Business Systems division along with the previously purchased Great Plains Software business and its several product lines. All the Navision and Great Plains products received a common
rebranding as the Dynamics product line. Navision was renamed Dynamics NAV.


Continuous enhancement
As early as 2003, research began with the Dynamics NAV development team planning moves to further enhance NAV and take advantage of various parts of the Microsoft product line. Goals were defined to increase integration with products such as Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook. Goals were also set to leverage the functional capabilities of Visual Studio and SQL Server, among others. All the while, there was a determination not to lose the strength and flexibility of the base product.
NAV 2009 was released in late 2008, NAV 2013 in late 2012, followed by NAV 2015 in late 2014. The biggest hurdles to the new technologies have been cleared. A new user interface, the Role Tailored Client, was created as part of this renewal. NAV was tightly integrated with Microsoft's SQL Server and other Microsoft products such as Office, Outlook, and SharePoint. Development is more integrated with Visual Studio and more .NET compliant. The product is becoming more open and, at the same time, more sophisticated supporting features such as Web Services access, Web and tablet clients, the integration of third-party controls, RDLC, and Word-based reporting, and so on.
Microsoft continues to invest in, enhance, and advance NAV. More new capabilities and features are yet to come, continuing to build on the successes of the past. We will all benefit.


C/AL's Roots :

One of the first questions asked by people new to C/AL is often "what other programming language is it like?" The best response is "Pascal". If the questioner is not familiar with Pascal, the next best response would be "C" or "C#".
At the time the three founders of Navision were attending classes at Denmark Technical University (DTU), Pascal was in wide use as a preferred language not only in computer courses, but also in other courses where computers were tools and software had to be written for data analyses. Some of the strengths of Pascal as a tool in an educational environment also served to make it a good model for Navision's business applications development.
Perhaps coincidentally (perhaps not) at DTU in this same time period, a Pascal compiler called Blue Label Pascal was developed by Anders Hejlsberg. That compiler became the basis for what was Borland's Turbo Pascal, which was the "everyman's compiler" of the 1980s because of its low price. Anders went with his Pascal compiler to Borland. While he was there, Turbo Pascal morphed into the Delphi language and the IDE tool set under his guidance.
Anders later left Borland and joined Microsoft, where he led the C# design team. Much of the NAV-related development at Microsoft is now being done in C#. So the Pascal-C/AL-DTU connection has come full circle, only now it appears to be C#-C/AL. Keeping it in the family, Anders' brother, Thomas Hejlsberg also works
at Microsoft on NAV as a Software Architect. Each in their own way, Anders and Thomas continue to make significant contributions to Dynamics NAV.
In a discussion about C/AL and C/SIDE, Michael Nielsen of Navision and Microsoft, who developed the original C/AL compiler, runtime, and IDE, said that the design criteria were to provide an environment that could be used without the following:
• Dealing with memory and other resource handling
• Thinking about exception handling and state
• Thinking about database transactions and rollbacks
• Knowing about set operations (SQL)
• Knowing about OLAP (SIFT)
Paraphrasing some of Michael's additional comments, the goals of the language and IDE design were to do the following:
• Allow the developer to focus on design, not coding, but still allow flexibility
• Provide a syntax based on Pascal, stripped of complexities, especially relating to memory management

• Provide a limited set of predefined object types, reduce the complexity and learning curve
• Implement database versioning for a consistent and reliable view of the database
• Make the developer and end user more at home by borrowing a large number of concepts from Office, Windows, Access, and other Microsoft products Michael is still working as part of the Microsoft team in Denmark on new capabilities for NAV. This is another example of how, once part of the NAV community, most of us want to stay part of this community.


What you should know
To get the maximum out of this book as a developer, you should have the following attributes:
• Be an experienced developer
• Know more than one programming language
• Have IDE experience
• Be knowledgeable about business applications
• Be good at self-directed study
If you have these attributes, this book will help you become productive with C/AL and NAV much more rapidly.
Even though this book is targeted first at developers, it is also designed to be useful to executives, consultants, managers, business owners, and others who want to learn about the development technology and operational capabilities of Dynamics NAV. If you fit into one of these or similar categories, start by studying Chapter 1, An Introduction to NAV 2015, for a good overview of NAV and its tools. Then you should review sections of other chapters as the topics apply to your specific areas of interest.
This book's illustrations are from the W1 Cronus database Dynamics NAV V2015.


What this book covers
Chapter 1, An Introduction to NAV 2015, starts with an overview of NAV as a business application system. This is followed by an introduction to the seven types of NAV objects, and the basics of C/AL and C/SIDE. Then we will do some hands-on work and define Tables, multiple Page types, and a Report. We'll close with a brief discussion of how backups and documentation are handled in C/SIDE.
Chapter 2, Tables, focuses on the foundation level of NAV data structure: Tables and their structures. We will cover Properties, Triggers (where C/AL resides), Field Groups, Table Relations, and SumIndexFields. We'll work our way through the hands-on creation of several tables in support of our example application. We will also review the types of tables found in the NAV applications.
Chapter 3, Data Types and Fields, we will learn about fields, the basic building blocks of the NAV data structure. We review the different Data Types in NAV. We will cover all the field properties and triggers in detail. We'll also review the three different Field
Classes. We'll conclude with a discussion about the concept of filtering and how it should be considered in the database structure design.
Chapter 4, Pages – The Interactive Interface, we will review the different types of pages, their structures (Triggers, Properties) and general usage. We'll build several pages for our example application using Page Wizard and Page Designer. We will also study the different types of controls that can be used in the pages. In addition, we'll
review how and where actions are added to the pages.
Chapter 5, Queries and Reports, we will learn about both Queries and Reports, two methods of extracting data for presentation to users. For Queries, we will study how they are constructed and some of the ways they are utilized. For Reports, we will walk through report data flow and the variety of different report types. We will study the two Report Designers, the C/SIDE Report Designer and the Visual Studio Report Designer and how a NAV report is constructed using both of these. We'll learn what aspects of reports use one designer and what aspects use the other. As in the previous studied objects, we will discuss Properties and Triggers. We will review how reports can be made interactive and will do some hands-on report creation.
Chapter 6, Introduction to C/SIDE and C/AL, we will learn about general Object Designer Navigation as well as the individual Designers (Table, Page, Report). We'll study C/AL code construction, syntax, variable types, expressions, operators, and functions. We will then take a closer look at some of the more frequently used built-in functions. The chapter will wrap up with an exercise on adding some C/AL code to a report objects created in an earlier exercise.
Chapter 7, Intermediate C/AL, we will dig deeper into C/AL development tools and techniques. We will review some more advanced built-in functions including those relating to dates and decimal calculations, both critical business application tools.
We'll study the C/AL functions that support process flow control functions, input/output, and filtering. Then we'll do a review of methods of communication between objects. Finally, we'll apply some of what we've learned to enhance our
example application.
Chapter 8, Advanced NAV Development Tools, we will review some of the more important elements of the Role Tailored User Experience, in particular the Role Center Page construction. We will dig into the components of a Role Center Page and how to build one. We'll also cover XMLports and Web Services, two of the powerful ways of connecting NAV applications to the world outside of NAV. To better understand these, we will not only review their individual component parts, but also go through the hands-on effort of building an example of each one.
Chapter 9, Successful Conclusions, we will study in detail how NAV functions are constructed and learn how to construct your own functions. We will learn more about tools and features built into C/AL and C/SIDE. We will study the new debugger, review the support for Test-Driven Development, and take a look at the ability to integrate .NET Client Add-ins. We will integrate a .NET Add-in into our example applications. Finally, we will review tips to design efficiently, update and upgrade the system with the goal of helping us to become more productive and high
quality NAV developers.
Appendix, Review Answers, provides you with the answers to the questions given in each chapter.


What you need for this book
You will need some basic tools including at least the following:
• A license and database that you can use for development experimentation. The ideal license is a full Developer's license. If your license only contains the Page, Report, and Table Designer capabilities, you will still be able to do
many of the exercises, but you will not have access to the inner workings of Pages and Tables and the C/AL code contained therein.
• A copy of the NAV Cronus demo/test database for your development testing and study. It would be ideal if you also had a copy of a production database at hand for examination as well. This book's illustrations are from the W1
Cronus database for V2015. Access to other NAV manuals, training materials, websites, and experienced associates will obviously be of benefit, but they are not required for the time with this book to be a good investment.


Who this book is for
This book is for:
• The business applications software designer/developer who:
°° Wants to become productive in NAV C/SIDE—C/AL development as quickly as possible
°° Understands business applications and the type of software required to support these applications
°° Has significant programming experience
°° Has access to a copy of NAV 2015 including at least the Designer

granules and a standard Cronus demo database
°° Is willing to do the exercises to get hands-on experience
• The Reseller manager or executive who wants a concise, in depth view of NAV's development environment and toolset
• The technically knowledgeable manager or executive of a firm using NAV that is about to embark on a significant NAV enhancement project
• The technically knowledgeable manager or executive of a firm considering the purchase of NAV as a highly customizable business applications platform
• The experienced business analyst or consultant or advanced student of applications software development who wants to learn more about NAV because it is one of the most widely used flexible business application systems available


The reader of this book:
• Does not need to be an expert in object-oriented programming
• Does not need previous experience with NAV, C/AL or C/SIDE


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