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کتاب Multidimensional Views on Enterprise Information Systems.pdf

Multidimensional Views on Enterprise Information Systems.pdf

دانلود رایگان کتاب Multidimensional Views on Enterprise Information Systems.pdf  

Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation

Felix Piazolo      Michael Felderer

Proceedings of ERP Future 2014

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

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Table of Contents



ERP Future 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Felix Piazolo and Michael Felderer

Part I Critical Success Factors of ERP Systems
Critical Success Factors for ERP Projects in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises—The Perspective of Selected ERP System Vendors. . . . . . . . . 7
Christian Leyh

Are New Configuration Methods ‘the Key’ to Shorter ERP Implementations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Wolfgang Ortner and Georg Krenn

ERP-Adoption Within SME—Challenging the Existing Body of Knowledge with a Recent Case . . . . . . . . 41
Frederik Kramer, Thomas Rehn, Markus Schneider and Klaus Turowski

Challenge Detailed Planning in ERP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Norbert Obermayr

Part II Business Process Models
Potential Benefits of Using Social Software in ERP-Based Business Process Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Lars Brehm and Rainer Schmidt

Creating Event Logs from Heterogeneous, Unstructured Business Data . .  . . . . . . . . . 85
Sebastian Pospiech, Robert Mertens, Sven Mielke, Michael Städler and Patrick Söhlke

Knowledge-intensive Business Processes—A Case Study for Disease Management in Farming . . . . . . . . 95
Dagmar Auer, Stefan Nadschläger and Josef Küng

Part III Implementation and Testing Aspects of ERP Systems
Is SAP HANA Useful for Optimization? An Exploration of LP Implementation Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Karl Kurbel and Dawid Nowak
Fact-Based Declarative Business Rule Modeling for the Static and Dynamic Perspectives in ERP Applications . . . . . 123
Peter Bollen

Towards a Concept for Enterprise Systems Landscape Testing . . . . . . 133
Johannes Keckeis, Michal Dolezel and Michael Felderer

Part IV Software Usability of ERP Systems
Measuring ERP Usability from the Users’ Perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Lukas Paa, Felix Piazolo, Kurt Promberger and Johannes Keckeis

Part V Business Intelligence Strategy
Impacts of SAP HANA on Business Intelligence (BI) Strategy Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Eva-Maria Furtner, Harald Wildhölzl, Norbert Schlager-Weidinger and Kurt Promberger

Part VI Public Sector
Sequence of Contracts as a Means of Planning in ERP-Systems. . . . . . 175
Bjoern Kemmoona


Dagmar Auer Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing (FAW), Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Linz, Austria Peter Bollen Department of Organization and Strategy, School of Business Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands Lars Brehm Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany Michal Dolezel University of Economics Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Michael Felderer University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Eva-Maria Furtner IVM Institut für Verwaltungsmanagement GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria Johannes Keckeis Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Bjoern Kemmoona Business Information Systems, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany Frederik Kramer Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster (MRCC), Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany Georg Krenn FH JOANNEUM, Industrial Management, Kapfenberg, Austria Karl Kurbel Chair of Business Informatics, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Josef Küng Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing (FAW), Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Linz, Austria Christian Leyh Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany Robert Mertens Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Weserbergland, Hameln, Germany Sven Mielke Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Weserbergland, Hameln, Germany Stefan Nadschläger Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing (FAW), Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Linz, Austria Dawid Nowak European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Norbert Obermayr Dr. Obermayr GmbH, Linz, Austria Wolfgang Ortner FH JOANNEUM, Industrial Management, Kapfenberg, Austria Lukas Paa Andrássy University Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Felix Piazolo University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; Andrássy University Budapest, Budapest, Hungary Sebastian Pospiech Cologne Intelligence GmbH, Decision Design, Cologne, Germany Kurt Promberger Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Thomas Rehn InitOS GmbH & Co. KG, Magdeburg, Germany Norbert Schlager-Weidinger IVM Institut für Verwaltungsmanagement GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria Rainer Schmidt Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany Markus Schneider initOS GmbH & Co. KG, Magdeburg, Germany Michael Städler Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Weserbergland, Hameln, Germany Patrick Söhlke Next Vision GmbH, Hessisch Oldendorf, Germany Klaus Turowski Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster (MRCC), Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany Harald Wildhölzl IVM Institut für Verwaltungsmanagement GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria


ERP Future 2014
Felix Piazolo and Michael Felderer
Abstract This is the introduction of the ERP Future 2014 Research Conference proceedings. It provides a short motivation and an overview of the topics covered by the conference. Keywords Enterprise systems  Enterprise resource planning  Business processes  Business management  Business intelligence  Enterprise information systems  Software engineering  Innovation of enterprise information systems Lately it seems as buzzwords like Digital Business, Digital Transformation or Smart Factory (Industry 4.0) are pushing topics related to conventional enterprise information systems into the background. The opposite is the case since those strongly promoted trends define a wider spectrum of requirements and very complex challenges regarding the enterprise information architecture and the involved enterprise systems alongside the holistic value chain of an integrated business environment. To remain successful and especially to gain competitive advantage it is necessary for private and public owned businesses and organizations to periodically question the appropriateness of the information technology in use. As strategic key resources to ensure efficient and effective end-to-end business processes enterprise information systems need to keep up with more and more important requirements such as connectivity, interoperability, information integration, security, process control, processual and technological flexibility, scalability, mass data handling and usability. Disruptive innovations caused by the digital transformation era will strongly affect enterprise information systems and might not just lead to innovations in this domain but might also result in downstream disruptive innovations. This will not just be on a technological and processual but also on a service level and will lead to potential business model innovations. Multidimensional views on enterprise information systems are necessary. An outlook into the future of enterprise information systems includes taking into account affecting parameters and their bidirectional influences. At the same time it is essential to study and learn from the past as well as to evaluate the given situation business are confronted with in the field of enterprise information systems. The ERP Future 2014 Research conference is a scientific platform for research and innovation on enterprise information systems in general and specifically on core topics like business process management, business intelligence and enterprise resource planning systems. The event also addresses businesses developing, implementing and intensively using enterprise information systems since they will benefit directly from the research results and represent respectively are providing the object of investigation. To master the future challenges of enterprise information systems comprehensively, the ERP Future Research conference, as since 2012 [1, 2], accepted contributions with a business as well as an IT focus to consider enterprise information systems from various viewpoints. This combination of business and IT aspects is a unique characteristic of the conference that resulted in several valuable contributions with high theoretical as well as practical impact. Revised versions of these conference contributions are collected in the present proceedings of the ERP Future 2014 Research conference entitled ‘Multidimensional Views on Enterprise Information Systems’.

The critical success factors [3] and configuration methods [4] for ERP implementation projects are analyzed and evaluated by first two contributions. Specific adoptions of ERP systems within small and medium enterprises are presented in addition [5]. Furthermore, an essential challenge of planning accuracy in ERP solutions, the input data, is addressed by one contribution [6]. Looking at the potential benefits of social software as a permanent input to ensure adequate business process management in ERP systems is discussed [7]. An approach to handle heterogeneous and unstructured business data to improve business processes is also presented [8]. Another contribution goes beyond classical knowledge work domains by analyzing knowledge-intensive business processes in farming. This prepares the basis for the requirements definition concerning amongst other things the IT support [9]. As optimization challenges in planning activities happen to be relevant in enterprise information systems in general it is discussed if SAP HANA is useful for optimization [10]. Modeling constructs that allow to model ‘event-perspective’ business rule semantics in a declarative way [11] and a concept towards productive enterprise systems testing is presented [12].
As the usability of software is one of the major actual and future requirements one contribution measures ERP usability from a user’s perspective comparing different ERP solutions in use [13]. Instead of using business intelligence (BI) solutions solely as reporting tools the essential task of BI is to provide and identify information on the reasons for the presented results in classical reports. In a case study the impact of SAP HANA on BI strategy formulation is presented [14]. Finally, a concept of contract based planning in the public sector is presented and it is shown how this potential governmental planning method can be supported by ERP systems [15]. We thank all authors for their valuable contributions and the program committeemembers for their reviews. We hope that the collection of papers in the proceedings is interesting for the individual reader and enriching for the scientific community as well as for the industrial and business application. Special thanks go to Manfred Vogt of the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and his colleagues for their commitment and cooperativeness to host the ERP Future 2014 Research conference, Kurt Promberger and Christoph Weiss for initializing the ERP Future conferences in 2009, ACM German Chapter for supporting the conference, SIS Consulting as the premium sponsor and last but not least Andreas Hagn as the project manager and all members of the ERP Future 2014 team who enabled us to carry out such a successful and valuable conference. Thank you,


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